Revisiting Margins and Rewriting Gender

Revisiting Margins and Rewriting Gender

Category: Essays / Studies, Gmotivation
Publisher: Gmotivation
ISBN: 9788194746690
Page(s): 184
Weight: 200.00 g
Availability: Out Of Stock

Book Description

Book by Deepthi Menon Re-reading Devaki Nilaymgod’s Antharjanam: Memoirs of a Namboodiri Woman, the first full-length account of a Namboodiri woman’s life describing a world long gone, treating it as what is often called ‘minor literatures’. By setting the past in a dynamic mode, the narrative opens up the windows of reminiscences exploring them as part of our personal as well as collective history, eliciting cultural representations, through which historical realities and one’s own sense of identity find expression. The book attempts to excavate the subtle, yet courageous visions and forms of resistance emerging through the placid, unsensational narrative style of Nilayamgode, with special emphasis on the concept of gender through an intersectional praxis and Women’s Writing as a Minoritarian expression.

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